Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ladies, please stop.

I found a gold mine. Seriously, I was on a plane when I came across it. So I dug in. It was so refreshing. No, I didn’t strike rich, at least not literally. Figuratively though, I’m more wealthy than a millionaire. I love 1st Peter.  And 2nd Peter, but as I studied 1st Peter on the plane home from visiting Washington state, I just kept finding more things that got my mind thinking…. Thinking how sad it is that not many people like what the Bible has to say. I agree, the Bible is controversial, it goes against pretty much everything the culture tell us is right. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s a fountain of wisdom that just keeps giving. I have to do things that I don’t want to, because I understand that I don't understand what is always good for me, but I know the only God who does. 

So, 1st Peter- I was getting lost in chapter 2 and 3. (I’m going to try to explain why I loved it so much, emphasis on the try part.) The end of chapter 1 talks about how great it is that we were saved by the grace of God. Jump into chapter 2, since that is such a great thing, this is what we should do- put away your former ways of living and change your worldview to a Biblical and Godly one. Crave the Word of God, knowing that He and His ways were rejected by men. We were made by Him and for Him, to proclaim Him.

Christians, if truly following the Word, are going to stick out like a sore thumb….. I’m now sitting here thinking about that saying. Seriously, that sounds as lame as the actual word ‘lame’. Maybe I should have said, ‘sticks out like broken bone’. Anddddd now I’m sorry for that mental picture.

People are watching Christians, waiting for them to mess up and when they do, to kick them while they’re down. As the world watches, we are told to submit. It’s a pretty common word and to us it seems to come across as the worst thing in the world. It’s not easy, although, truthfully nothing beneficial is. “What?! You want me to place myself under someone else’s authority? That can’t be right.” Yep, you read that right. Submit to the king and governors. So that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men. We are supposed to listen to the rules of those who are over you in power. Shocker. No, not really, but it is easier said than done. Of course, if it goes against the Word of God, the Word of God will always trump, but for those other rules and laws that seem unimportant to you, follow them anyway. Why? Because the God of the universe commanded you to and I’m 1,000 percent sure that He knows what He is doing. It gets more difficult, later on in the passage it says honor the king. Ouch, that’s worse. I have to submit to and honor a man that I don’t even like as a president to our country? Yikes. It’s life. In comes verse 18, “servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable.” Need I say more?

I’ve been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for me. He left me an example to follow, while being beaten and mocked and laughed at, He entrusted Himself to the Lord. You know why? He went through that that we might die to ourselves and live to righteousness.
These commands seem like a foreign language to the watching world. But the next part seems insulting to the women of this day and age.

3:1- IN THE SAME WAY, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives.

I don’t think it could have been spoken any plainer. Jesus was submissive to God and let the outcome up to Him, wives are supposed to do the same thing! Women, your submission is supposed to be a testimony to others! In this verse it is referencing a marriage when both husband and wife, at one time, were unbelievers and the woman was converted. The passage goes on to say to wives that their husbands should see that their actions are not merely external, which is sometimes the most obvious way, but also that their heart has changed.

3:7- You husbands IN THE SAME WAY, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.

I thought that statement would bother me, “as with someone weaker”. How have we looked at that as a bad thing?! Why do we feel that, as women, we need to be as great as or greater than men? We have different roles, it’s incomparable. I read a Matt Walsh post a while back and thought it explained things perfectly how I had imagined it, although I might have been less harsh about it. This was from that post:

You know, maybe it would be wise to raise our daughters to have an appreciation for manhood. Maybe we should stop filling her head with this “you can do everything a man can do” garbage. Maybe she isn’t benefitted by this lie. Maybe it will only make her bitter and arrogant. Maybe it will cause her to see men as worthless, with the only characteristics particular to them being negative stereotypes about leaving the toilet seat up and drinking too much beer.
Maybe we should tell her that it is men who fight the wars, and men who are best equipped for the task. This is not because of “discrimination” or “glass ceilings,” it’s because men are men, and women are not. Women need men. GASP. What a scandalous notion. But I say it again: women need men.
In some ways, being “treated as someone weaker” is a beautiful picture in my mind. It means that men shouldn’t treat us like they do their manly-men-friends. Men are supposed to treat us like we’re special and valuable. But instead, we can’t embrace it because we are too busy getting caught up by the fact that we aren’t on the same level as men. We aren't in charge. Guess what, dear? You’re gonna have to get over it and accept that that’s not your job. For me, I don’t want to be a man, that’s too much responsibility. I want to be able to learn and practice submission and properly portray it as an example of Christ’s submission to His Father.

I’m starting. I’m starting to get over it. I grew up somehow convincing myself that it wasn’t okay to be treated as someone weaker. I needed to be as good at everything as my brothers. I had to play with GI Joe’s cause Barbie’s were too girly. Never cry! Crying is a sign of weakness, I wasn’t weak… or so I tried to convince myself. I wanted their respect, but I went about it in the wrong way. Then, as I grew and matured, I started to embrace it all, all the differences. I’m still the same girl who doesn’t like to be prissy or one who chooses to be proper all the time, but I was a bit extreme. Now, I’m learning to embrace it. It’s okay that I’m not as strong as men and that I can’t be the leader of a household.

In fact, I love that we are different. Women are confusing and I apologize to any man that tries to understand us, cause I don’t always understand. Culture has brainwashed women into thinking that they aren’t good enough if they aren’t on the same level as men and in leadership positions. That’s the curse. It’s not a new thing, in fact, it came into the world when sin did.

Submitting to someone is an unnatural thing, especially since it has been engrained in us to be in a competition with the men in our lives. As women, it’s part of our testimony, whether to an unbelieving husband or a believing husband. No, I’m not married, so I can’t really give advice to people who are married, but I can shine a light on Biblical truth. It does look different for me at this stage in my life, I don’t have a husband to submit to, but that doesn’t mean I get out of practicing submission. I still have people over me- my parent, my supervisors and bosses, the church, etc. I’m not saying it will be easy, but I’m saying it will be worth it.  

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