Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dad's day

I'd been thinking of a father's day post for a while and then it snuck up on me. Father's day now means more to me than it ever had before. Within the last few years I've come to appreciate and realize how much of an impact my dad has made on my life.

Today was way more emotional than I thought it would be, maybe because I don't think I'm too emotional of a person or because I'm a little exhausted from the past week of camp, but nevertheless it was. I almost cried in church when a video was shown to portray the example a father is to their son especially. It broke my heart to think of the men and women who never had a good example of a father in their life, maybe because their father passed away or their dad was just a deadbeat. 

I recently spoke at a father/daughter banquet, which isn't normally my thing to speak in front of people, but I was really excited about what I was going to say. It was definitely a thing from God, as the subject I was to speak about was something that God had laid on my heart a while ago. And this is what I talked about:

My relationship with my dad gives me a picture of the relationship I have with God. Granted my dad isn't perfect like my Heavenly Father, but I can still learn a lot about God from my dad.
When God gave Adam his wife, Adam named her 'Eve'. By naming her, Adam was showing he took responsibility for her. The same happens today with last names- I will have my father's last name until marriage and that is symbolic of the change in responsibly from my dad to my husband. So being single means my dad is the man responsible for me. My dad wants to look after and protect me, but it's also my responsibility to be obedient to him and show him respect.

Looking back, I'm extremely thankful that my dad was protective of me, especially in my teenage years with guys, even though in the moment I often felt like a princess locked in a big castle away from the world. I know my dad was that way because he loved me and didn't want me to be hurt by young men who weren't right for me.

Another way I know my dad loves me is that he provides for me and blesses me with good things. My dad treats me like a princess- aka buys me lots of ice cream. My dad isn't overly affectionate with his words, but shows me through his actions: He hasn't kicked me out of his house(yay for saving up money). He doesn't let me believe the lies I tell myself about making sure I need to get ahead in life and find a job that makes the most money. He's provided me with a job(even if it means I have to deal with people like Chris Brooks and Ken Wyant on a daily basis, I'm still thankful anyway). He helps me by making sure my car is running properly and such. In all of those ways I can see my dad loves and values me.

God provides for us, God protects us with His rules and guidance. He wants and knows what is best for us, even if we don't like the answers and ways He shows us. God will not always give us what we want, be He will always give us what we need. God also values us more than any earthly being ever could, He wants to be our king and treat us like royalty. He constantly provides for our needs.

My earthly dad's love for me has effected me in ways I'm sure I can't fully see or understand. But one thing I know is that my dad's love has shown me how to be okay in my own skin. I'm confident in myself because my dad and my brothers have shown me that they love me for who I am: weird, corny, unladylike at times, just me. And I'm perfectly fine with me the way I am.

I've seen many of my friends who don't have godly fathers run after other guys to try to get that love and attention they so badly wanted from their dads. It doesn't have to be that way, but parents do make a huge difference in the lives of their kids, and neither the child or parents often understand that. 

Moral of this story: dad's help shape us into who we are. So if you have a dad who loves you, be thankful and tell him so often. Godly parents are a gift!

For many of you who don't: be thankful for a God who is far better than any earthly father we could ask for. There should always be men in the church who can give you a glimpse of what a Christian father looks like, learn from them.

To my dad- I love you more than you can imagine. Thanks for being my dad. I'll always be your little girl, daddy!