Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Great Author

To say to me that the Bible or any book in it is boring or uneventful, I would tell you that you’re not reading the same book as I am. Try teaching it to 3rd graders and you will see what I mean. I’ve been going through the book of Genesis with my 3rd grade Sunday school class and within the 2 or 3rd week, I was already asked about circumcision and concubines… Oh boy.

The Nephilim in Genesis 6, Genesis 19 with homosexual men in Sodom and Gomorrah and the end of the chapter when Lot’s daughters lay with him to preserve the family, or Jacob’s daughter Dinah being raped- these just being a handful of stories that are not often talked about and that's only in the first 30 chapters of the Bible! It is challenging to talk about these stories without explaining things that 3rd graders don’t need to know about, but the principles are always there and hopefully I’m able to convey them properly.

You and I have no excuse to not study the word of God: to ask ourselves why God would choose to put these stories in His letter for us?

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

I think it’s amazing that a book as old as the Bible would still be so relevant to the ever changing times that we live in. A book that touches on every aspect we face in our daily lives- inspired by the One who made and holds everything in its place. Why wouldn’t we want to know everything about the book that points us to our gracious and loving Savior?

Last year I spent 10 months in Florida with 11 other students in a program called Great Commission Bible Institute.  Our goal was to study this entire letter that was not written to us, but was written for us. It was the most convicting, growing and inspiring time of my life. But just because I graduated the program doesn’t mean I stop learning and studying and now I get the privilege of teaching it to kids in my hometown church.
I hope and pray that my life is shaped and changed more and more with every word that I read, that it’s not only head knowledge, but that it’s heart knowledge.

 The more you read the Bible, the more you will love its author. –AW Tozer